Thursday, October 30, 2008
Friday, August 8, 2008
Proposed Films “Monarchy” and “Zeak’s Voyage” Update:
©2008. (Companywide Discussion(s)): (The Monarchy) Screenplay pages 1 and 2 deserve a more expansive discussion. While some historical, cultural, and ethnic clues to Warren’s personality are there, the technical language is too vague, however the screen-time issues expressed in the thus far 41-page draft are expressed time-accurately per screen-play format. With cross-fading images, perhaps more care should be taken, to highlight certain historical and cultural references. The sequence should outline how, the character, Warren perceives his roll among the world’s poets, philosophers, and general entertainer of utopian muses. The sequence may also reflect Warren’s education up to that point in the story. On the technical level, there may be an opportunity to experiment with some of the more avant-garde makeup and animatronics effects for the proposed prehistoric film (working titles) “Zeak’s Voyage”. (Side note: Proper spelling of Ezekiel, for the character nicknamed Zeak). This story examines themes of oral tradition versus scientific scrutiny.
©2008. Brief synopses of “Zeak’s Voyage” (An old story from when the earth was young): Zeak retells an ancient tribal story of prehistoric transitional beings, spurring an investigation led by paleontologists.
We could see our Chris Johnson character of SPICE, Interpol, Cult-watch, emerge briefly, to investigate Zeak’s claims.
Copyright©2008, Eric T. Gollinger. All rights reserved. 8/8/08, Aug, 8, 2008. © Includes pending (US) Patents and Trademarks. “Monarch” and “Monarchy” film and music concepts © copyright Eric T. Gollinger and Eric T’Goll, (form initial writings 1986-1989, (updates) 1990-2008 (present), dated copyright, 1993/1994. Contact: egollinger@hotmail.com.
Additional working titles for “(The) Monarchy” may be discussed, thought it is generally assumed that it should be an M-word. (Such as Maniac, Maniacal(ity), Monocracy, etc. © 2008, Eric T. Gollinger.) The band’s name could be changed or purposely misspelled to avoid conflict. Though it can be argued that if one performs a search they may discover that every word in the English language, and then some, has been used as a musical moniker of some sort, at some time, so conflict resolution by name change might be impossible.
Legal Notes –Miscellaneous:I, myself (Eric T. Gollinger) am unclear on what the actual legal ramifications are of a fictitious band bearing the same name as an actual band. Monarch or Monarchy are just words. As far as I’m concerned, I invented the concept of naming a band “Monarch” and naming their movie, “(The) Monarchy.” I assume, I’m among the first to have the idea. My own musical talents, limitations, and inclinations, have led me to simply do one “Monarchy” film, and see if my ambitious vision can be completed via film. Whomever wants to tour as “Monarch” is free knock them selves out, as far as I’m concerned. I, myself am not a touring musician. I’m not trying to get in anyone’s way. I do want us artists to have the first say on creative matters, and then Lawyers can speak up later on the issues, if they must. The actual extent of the artistic issues, are limited to differences in musical style, and the symbolic imagery that individual musicians use to differentiate themselves form on another. In short, I am an artist, not an Attorney, and the way copyright laws are written, if I think about it too much my brain will explode. But still, I think the artist must have the first say in the matter, and have the freedom to collaborate –and to express ourselves freely in an form or environment that is non-threatening.
©2008. Brief synopses of “Zeak’s Voyage” (An old story from when the earth was young): Zeak retells an ancient tribal story of prehistoric transitional beings, spurring an investigation led by paleontologists.
We could see our Chris Johnson character of SPICE, Interpol, Cult-watch, emerge briefly, to investigate Zeak’s claims.
Copyright©2008, Eric T. Gollinger. All rights reserved. 8/8/08, Aug, 8, 2008. © Includes pending (US) Patents and Trademarks. “Monarch” and “Monarchy” film and music concepts © copyright Eric T. Gollinger and Eric T’Goll, (form initial writings 1986-1989, (updates) 1990-2008 (present), dated copyright, 1993/1994. Contact: egollinger@hotmail.com.
Additional working titles for “(The) Monarchy” may be discussed, thought it is generally assumed that it should be an M-word. (Such as Maniac, Maniacal(ity), Monocracy, etc. © 2008, Eric T. Gollinger.) The band’s name could be changed or purposely misspelled to avoid conflict. Though it can be argued that if one performs a search they may discover that every word in the English language, and then some, has been used as a musical moniker of some sort, at some time, so conflict resolution by name change might be impossible.
Legal Notes –Miscellaneous:I, myself (Eric T. Gollinger) am unclear on what the actual legal ramifications are of a fictitious band bearing the same name as an actual band. Monarch or Monarchy are just words. As far as I’m concerned, I invented the concept of naming a band “Monarch” and naming their movie, “(The) Monarchy.” I assume, I’m among the first to have the idea. My own musical talents, limitations, and inclinations, have led me to simply do one “Monarchy” film, and see if my ambitious vision can be completed via film. Whomever wants to tour as “Monarch” is free knock them selves out, as far as I’m concerned. I, myself am not a touring musician. I’m not trying to get in anyone’s way. I do want us artists to have the first say on creative matters, and then Lawyers can speak up later on the issues, if they must. The actual extent of the artistic issues, are limited to differences in musical style, and the symbolic imagery that individual musicians use to differentiate themselves form on another. In short, I am an artist, not an Attorney, and the way copyright laws are written, if I think about it too much my brain will explode. But still, I think the artist must have the first say in the matter, and have the freedom to collaborate –and to express ourselves freely in an form or environment that is non-threatening.
Monarch/Monarchy -Legal Notes, August 8, 2008:
Eric T. Gollinger has provided these initial assumptions and opinions, for publication, and subsequent review, no later than Aug. 8, 2008 –Updates and Amendments may follow. Priority given to US Jurisdiction, and then “Region One” American Continental Jurisdiction, and then all other (primarily) English Speaking Jurisdictions, in that order. Artist-to-artist Arbitration is herein given priority, in resolving these (Monarch/Monarcy)(artistic and literary) matters, in order to protect and preserve US Constitutional protections for free (artistic) expression, free speech, and to avoid undue encumbrances to the artistic process.
While the actual words “Monarch” and “Monarchy” are public domain by themselves, we reserve the right to, aim to, avoid confusion among consumers of film (“film,” DVD, HD video, TV, graphics, paintings, visual art, animation, etc), music, and literature, where these names or monikers have been used in publication thus far.
Genre and Style –Avoiding (foreseeable) Conflicts by way of an Artist-to-Artist Arbitration (negotiation process)
It has come to our attention that the styles of music, initially proposed (documented 1993/1994, proposed patent) as a “new genre” is not particularly new, but is a highly inclusive genre, or (collections of eclectic) subgenre(s) to form a supposed “new genre,” “beyond poly-modal,” beyond the “umbrella” genre of “popular music”, and therefore, cannot necessarily be patented as a “new genre” as such, however music sellers can, and often do, label artist’s recordings somewhat arbitrarily, it would seem, and therefore, actual musicians are welcome to collaborate in production (collaboration(s) is/are right(s) reserved and sought by the writer, Eric T. Gollinger), to supplement the musical pantomime and musical performances of on-screen personae’ (the actors) to represent the band (to be) variously referred to as “Monarch” and “(The) Monarchy” in the proposed film “(The)Monarchy” (for which “pre-production” is currently underway).
Individual Artists may choose to discuss expansion of the Monarch/Monarchy Project, and propose expansion of the projects scope, on a case-by-case, and first, on an artist-to-artist basis. Artist-to-artist arbitration (and the vocabulary, jargon, expressions, and vernacular language that artists (may/do) tend to use) must be respected, and reasonably allowed, when official papers are drawn up to clarify the negotiations, for legal clarification, for third party review, when needed. It is expected that any Attorneys and/or Law Enforcement personnel respect the US Constitution, and the rights of the artists, where privacy, personal expression, and all other rights and protections are concerned, and that the conduct of any (and all) Attorneys and/or Law Enforcement personnel not obstruct artist-to-artist arbitration(s). The artists themselves must, first and foremost, be allowed to clarify artistic matters before any Attorneys and/or Law Enforcement personnel are allowed to intervene and provide (often unintentional) obstruction to free artistic expression. (To the fullest extent of the Law), (the) Artists (referred to herein and hereby (including you, the reader-artist concerned, in some cases)) reserve the right to pursue Federal charges against any (and all, such) Attorneys and/or Law Enforcement personnel attempting to obstruct this artist-to-artist arbitration process. (To the fullest extent of the Law), (the) Artists reserve the right to pursue Federal charges against any Attorneys and/or Law Enforcement personnel attempting to obstruct the creative process of free expression, as protected by the US Constitution.
Merchandising –Brief Clarification (Brief Discussion of Project’s Scope)
Our proposals thus far have tended to view “Monarch/(The)Monarchy” as literary, visual arts, and merchandising ventures, pertaining to “(The)Monarchy” as a film. Certain, thus far unpublished, music produced by Eric (T.) Gollinger and Monarch, remain unpublished, and in some cases, unfinished. Drawings, music, and literature by Eric T. Gollinger, containing references to Monarch/Monarchy are copyrighted Eric T. Gollinger, per US Copyright Law. It has come to our attention that some merchandising has been done in relative fairness, and in the previous absence of this announcement. (No “Cease and Desist” orders have been sought by Eric T. Gollinger as of August 8, 2008). It has come to our attention that actual musical groups are now using or including (the name or moniker) “Monarch” and “Monarchy” in their official band name(s). As special courtesies to consumers and artists, Eric T. Gollinger hereby reserves the right to seek a negotiated/negotiable collaborative “settlement(s)” between such parties (named Monarch/Monarchy), that have reasonably overlapped the production delays spanning 1986-2008.
To secure value for (and protect the privacy of) consumers, artists, staff, crew, and fans, the full scope of the “Monarch/Monarchy” project cannot be (fully) discussed or clarified herein (thus far). It is the intention of Eric T. Gollinger that matters be resolved and clarified out of court, and that Artist-to-Artist arbitration be allowed, and not involve undue encumbrance(s) to the artists or their work, except were such qualifies as a violation hereafter. For details and clarification, please contact (Eric T. Gollinger): egollinger@hotmail.com.
While the actual words “Monarch” and “Monarchy” are public domain by themselves, we reserve the right to, aim to, avoid confusion among consumers of film (“film,” DVD, HD video, TV, graphics, paintings, visual art, animation, etc), music, and literature, where these names or monikers have been used in publication thus far.
Genre and Style –Avoiding (foreseeable) Conflicts by way of an Artist-to-Artist Arbitration (negotiation process)
It has come to our attention that the styles of music, initially proposed (documented 1993/1994, proposed patent) as a “new genre” is not particularly new, but is a highly inclusive genre, or (collections of eclectic) subgenre(s) to form a supposed “new genre,” “beyond poly-modal,” beyond the “umbrella” genre of “popular music”, and therefore, cannot necessarily be patented as a “new genre” as such, however music sellers can, and often do, label artist’s recordings somewhat arbitrarily, it would seem, and therefore, actual musicians are welcome to collaborate in production (collaboration(s) is/are right(s) reserved and sought by the writer, Eric T. Gollinger), to supplement the musical pantomime and musical performances of on-screen personae’ (the actors) to represent the band (to be) variously referred to as “Monarch” and “(The) Monarchy” in the proposed film “(The)Monarchy” (for which “pre-production” is currently underway).
Individual Artists may choose to discuss expansion of the Monarch/Monarchy Project, and propose expansion of the projects scope, on a case-by-case, and first, on an artist-to-artist basis. Artist-to-artist arbitration (and the vocabulary, jargon, expressions, and vernacular language that artists (may/do) tend to use) must be respected, and reasonably allowed, when official papers are drawn up to clarify the negotiations, for legal clarification, for third party review, when needed. It is expected that any Attorneys and/or Law Enforcement personnel respect the US Constitution, and the rights of the artists, where privacy, personal expression, and all other rights and protections are concerned, and that the conduct of any (and all) Attorneys and/or Law Enforcement personnel not obstruct artist-to-artist arbitration(s). The artists themselves must, first and foremost, be allowed to clarify artistic matters before any Attorneys and/or Law Enforcement personnel are allowed to intervene and provide (often unintentional) obstruction to free artistic expression. (To the fullest extent of the Law), (the) Artists (referred to herein and hereby (including you, the reader-artist concerned, in some cases)) reserve the right to pursue Federal charges against any (and all, such) Attorneys and/or Law Enforcement personnel attempting to obstruct this artist-to-artist arbitration process. (To the fullest extent of the Law), (the) Artists reserve the right to pursue Federal charges against any Attorneys and/or Law Enforcement personnel attempting to obstruct the creative process of free expression, as protected by the US Constitution.
Merchandising –Brief Clarification (Brief Discussion of Project’s Scope)
Our proposals thus far have tended to view “Monarch/(The)Monarchy” as literary, visual arts, and merchandising ventures, pertaining to “(The)Monarchy” as a film. Certain, thus far unpublished, music produced by Eric (T.) Gollinger and Monarch, remain unpublished, and in some cases, unfinished. Drawings, music, and literature by Eric T. Gollinger, containing references to Monarch/Monarchy are copyrighted Eric T. Gollinger, per US Copyright Law. It has come to our attention that some merchandising has been done in relative fairness, and in the previous absence of this announcement. (No “Cease and Desist” orders have been sought by Eric T. Gollinger as of August 8, 2008). It has come to our attention that actual musical groups are now using or including (the name or moniker) “Monarch” and “Monarchy” in their official band name(s). As special courtesies to consumers and artists, Eric T. Gollinger hereby reserves the right to seek a negotiated/negotiable collaborative “settlement(s)” between such parties (named Monarch/Monarchy), that have reasonably overlapped the production delays spanning 1986-2008.
To secure value for (and protect the privacy of) consumers, artists, staff, crew, and fans, the full scope of the “Monarch/Monarchy” project cannot be (fully) discussed or clarified herein (thus far). It is the intention of Eric T. Gollinger that matters be resolved and clarified out of court, and that Artist-to-Artist arbitration be allowed, and not involve undue encumbrance(s) to the artists or their work, except were such qualifies as a violation hereafter. For details and clarification, please contact (Eric T. Gollinger): egollinger@hotmail.com.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Noodle's Deli: A Cut Above
Monday, July 21, 2008
egollinger@hotmail.com, jgollinger@hotmail.com, shadowsinthegarden@yahoo.com Filmmaker Website: http://waynespitzerfilmmaker.blogspot.com/ Academic Blog for Popular Market: http://waynespitzeroilofdog.blogspot.com/ Multimedia: http://www.myspace.com/dead_of_night_the_series
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
It Came From The Dead of Night
IndieFlix.com Shadows in the Garden
http://www.indieflix.com/FilmDetail.aspx?tid=10276&name=Shadows%20in%20the%20Garden , http://www.indieflix.com/FilmDetail.aspx?tid=10276
Fox News Story: "Shadows and Fog" (2000)
Wayne K. Spitzer: Curriculum Vitae
Wayne K. Spitzer Image Gallery Shadows and Fog Blog
Oil of Dog, Where Art, Entertainment & Academia Intersect
Shooting 'Shadows in the Garden' (1999)
Spitzerkumpon: Dead of Night (on YouTube)
NWCN Uniquely Northwest (1994)
Siren's Song/Forest Curse, Early FX by Mitch Tiner & Bob Schleufer
http://www.indieflix.com/FilmDetail.aspx?tid=10276&name=Shadows%20in%20the%20Garden , http://www.indieflix.com/FilmDetail.aspx?tid=10276
Fox News Story: "Shadows and Fog" (2000)
Wayne K. Spitzer: Curriculum Vitae
Wayne K. Spitzer Image Gallery Shadows and Fog Blog
Oil of Dog, Where Art, Entertainment & Academia Intersect
Shooting 'Shadows in the Garden' (1999)
Spitzerkumpon: Dead of Night (on YouTube)
NWCN Uniquely Northwest (1994)
Siren's Song/Forest Curse, Early FX by Mitch Tiner & Bob Schleufer
Eric Gollinger wishes to thank the team and collaborators, Jerry Gollinger, Wayne Spitzer, and J. Danz-Gollinger, C. Faltico. “CitySide: Triage!” (c)2001-2008. Effects work continues. Thanks for your input developing "(The)Monarchy" film. Go team!
CitySide Progress : July, 2008
"CitySide:Triage!" is the proposed/pending cop show about the adventures of Det. Solomon (Sol) Deusie. Synopsis: Sol saves a victim of a mind control nightmare. (c)2001-2008. Effects work continues, despite setbacks. Don't forget; digital TV conversion Feb. 2009. We hope to see more independent TV networks and programming.
Also writing and development for "(The)Monarchy" Film. (c)1990-2008. The writings of Eric T. Gollinger for "(The)Monarchy" (film).
Thanks team! Keep up the good work.
Also writing and development for "(The)Monarchy" Film. (c)1990-2008. The writings of Eric T. Gollinger for "(The)Monarchy" (film).
Thanks team! Keep up the good work.
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