Friday, July 18, 2008

CitySide Progress : July, 2008

"CitySide:Triage!" is the proposed/pending cop show about the adventures of Det. Solomon (Sol) Deusie. Synopsis: Sol saves a victim of a mind control nightmare. (c)2001-2008. Effects work continues, despite setbacks. Don't forget; digital TV conversion Feb. 2009. We hope to see more independent TV networks and programming.

Also writing and development for "(The)Monarchy" Film. (c)1990-2008. The writings of Eric T. Gollinger for "(The)Monarchy" (film).

Thanks team! Keep up the good work.

1 comment:

  1. There have been some major setbacks –mostly rendering visual effects. We are dedicated to finding the latest (most affordable) technology. Stay tuned for more visuals of the project in progress. Go team!
